I decided to use a ball like this one...
....for him to target as I have plans to put it to greater use. I also have a telescopic magnet that can fit inside one of the gaps on the ball et voila I have a target stick ;o) As it's not perfectly round, it stops quite well depending upon how much force is put behind it so I'm thinking that it would also be helpful for distant commands, sendaways, etc.
Anyway, back to tonight.
He very very quickly picked up nose bumping the ball to get the click but I had to be quite animated about it again and make it all a big game. Once he was reliably bumping the ball, I started to place it further away from me and Bran bounced over to nose bump the ball and instead grabbed it with his mouth and I mistakenly clicked as I'd been poised to click for a nose bump. Grrrr.
Of course, Bran then thought that the new game was to grab the ball in his teeth and as I held off on clicking him for that he started to throw it around the kitchen, bounce around like a lunatic and basically interact as much as possible with the ball but without doing a nice, simple nose bump *sigh*
I ended up sitting on the kitchen floor with him to try and keep him calm enough to get him to focus on gently nose bumping the ball and not using teeth at all. After 3 gentle nose bumps he got a great big fuss and I left it there!
Short sharp lesson in how important timing is for me! LOL!
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